Minnesota Twins Unveil New Home Uniform

The Minnesota Twins debuted a new home uniform over the weekend, partly thanks to an online retailer leaked the new look on their website.

Long gone are the Kirby Puckett-era pinstripes as the clean white uniform is now adorned with a navy blue wordmark, scarlet red outline and a gold drop shadow called “Minnesota Kasota Gold”. This particular shade of gold was first introduced in the 2014 MLB All-Star Game logos, and now has been added as an accent color to the overall uniform. In addition to the drop shadows and sleeve, neckline and pants piping, the gold trim will also be a part of a new alternate hat, which is to be worn with the uniform.

Old Look on the Left; New Look on the Right.

You can check out more details of the new look courtesy of the infographic provided by the Minnesota Twins:

Additional Details of the new Twins Uniform

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